Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Grade Level Trampoline

This is the same back yard as last.
The trampoline fits right down in the hole
for safety and looks.
This is a lot of dirt!

Chris laid the block up around 40".

And completes it with a matching paint job to surrounding walls.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Outdoor Fireplace and Seating

Often assumed is the craftmanship of our husbands.
So for obvious reasons I have decided to start this blog of my husband's
many skills and talents to create.
Long overdue.
This is a backyard of a brand new home.
No landscaping, just dirt.
Not the largest of yards, but will be a hit!
First, the idea is painted in red.
Then, let the digging begin.
A few pallets of block and supplies delivered.
Digging completed.

And the building begins!
The homeowners were so excited at this point seeing it come to life.

Even more excited!

This is the fire brick for the inside of the fireplace.

Really taking shape now!

Ready for stucco, paint, stone, and flagstone bench tops.

Paint & Pop-outs

Final paint,pavers, stone, and flagstone applied.

Masterpiece complete!!